Are You an Ophiuchus?

If you’re an Ophiuchus, please tell us about yourself. What are your likes and dislikes? How does it feel to be ignored by the horoscopes?

A helium-rich breeze flows into the solar system from the direction of Ophiuchus, and, the Earth passes through it during the first weeks of December. Does that make Ophiuchus an air sign, a fire sign, or a hot air sign? Just kidding.

Please tell us if you take the horoscopes seriously. How does being under a different sign affect your life now?

Can we continue to ignore Ophiuchus? Can we ignore the Sun? The Sun does not ignore Ophiuchus. Some news you already know:

  • The Earth is round, not flat
  • The Moon is not made of cheese
  • Martians are not green
  • The Earth is not the center of the Universe
  • Pro wrestling is not real and,
  • There are thirteen constellations on the Ecliptic, not twelve!

Will the Real Ophiuchus Please Stand Up?

One Comment to “Are You an Ophiuchus?”

  1. ashley j says:

    So I am an Ophiuchus. I feel it, I know it, I always knew it. When I meditate I see/feel rainbow auraed wings/energy. I was never able to believe in religious mantra growing up. I believe nature and astrology to be the two greatest learning tools mankind has. Email me :)

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